domingo, julio 10

Top of the Pops

Una canción dedicada para esa gente tan llena de vida, entusiasmo y esperanzas que tanto me entretienen: los concursantes de OT.

The Kinks en "Lola vs. Powerman and The Moneygoround"

I’ve just come in at number 25
I’m oh so happy, so glad to be alive
And everybody says it’s going to get to the top
Life is so easy when your record’s hot
Go tell my mamma and my sister too
To press my trousers and polish my shoes
I might even end up a rock-and-roll god
It might turn into a steady job
And my agent said to me: "Son, I always told you so"
Now my record’s number 11 on the BBC
But number seven on the NME
Now the Melody Maker wants to interview me
And ask about my politics and theories on religion
Now my record’s up to number 3
And a woman recognized me and started to scream
This all seems like a crazy dream
I’ve been invited to a dinner with a prominent queen
And now I’ve got friends that I never knew I had before
It’s strange how people want you when you record’s high
’cos when it drops down they just pass you by
Now my agent just called me and said it me:
"Son, your record’s just got to number one."

Y recuerda! Vota tu disco favorito de los Kinks enviando tu mensaje "A mi me mola mazo + Disco". Para ello no tienes más que pulsar en el campo "comments".
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Coste del mensaje: 0,00 EUR - (Más barato que en Portugal!)


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Yo me quedo con la canción del mismo título de los Rezillos!

9:00 a. m.  

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