martes, junio 14

Odessey, Oracle & Exams...

Estoy de exámenes y no tengo tiempo a postear, así que os dejo con el que probablemente sea mi disco preferido de la historia.

Do you remember summer days
Just after summer rain
When all the air was damp and warm
In the green of country lanes?
And the breeze would touch your hair
Kiss your face and make you care
About your world
Your summer world
And we would count the evening stars
As the day grew dark
In Beechwood Park...

Do you remember golden days and golden summer sun
The sound of laughter in our ears
In the breeze as we would run?
And the breeze would touch your hair
Kiss your face and make you care
About your world
Your summer world
And we would count the evening stars
As the day grew dark
In Beechwood Park...

Oh roads in my mind
Take me back in my mind
And I can't forget you
Won't forget you
Won't forget those days
And Beechwood Park...

And the breeze would touch your hair
Kiss your face and make you care
About your world
Your summer world
And we would count the evening stars
As the day grew dark
In Beechwood Park...

Oh roads in my mind
Take me back in my mind
And I can't forget you
Won't forget you
Won't forget those days
And Beechwood Park...


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Tu disco favorito de la historia del mundo mundial y del universo más universal ^_^

No te me estreses Maripili que no quiero que te salgan arruguines antes de tiempo. A ver si me sacas un huequín y nos tomamos una cañina este finde.
bSiNeS MiL!!

11:50 a. m.  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

... la anterior anónima era yo :)

(Así que, como comento dos veces, mando besos para Miguel y Rabys también).

11:52 a. m.  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Maravilloso disco :)

9:16 p. m.  

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