viernes, diciembre 14

Se acabó Primary 5

Justo cuando estabamos intentando traerlos a Asturias, Paul anuncia que se acabó con este mensaje en su myspace.

"If you happened to be at our show in Box,Glasgow on Dec 8th then you'll have witnessed the last ever Primary 5 show, Yes it's all over. I'd just like to thank the following for their dedicated support for the band over the last few years:
Duglas T Stewart, Norman Blake & Raymond McGinlay from Teenage Fanclub, Nick Brine, Ian Anderson and all the staff at Reeltime Music,Donald Soutar, Tony Goughan & David Wells from Neon Tetra, Neil Del Parto from Planting Seeds Records, This Time Records, Yasu from Office Glasgow, Shellshock Distribution, Keith Stoddart & Family, Jim Barr & Family, Sergio, Edu, Jesus & Loli, Rafa Skam & our many Spanish friends, Stephen Lea, Debbie White, John, Colin,Jamie,Tim,Kevin & Noel from Attic Lights and all our amazing fans the world over and anyone that i may have forgotten.
My friends & brothers in rock: Mikey McKerral & Stuart Kidd.
It's been a blast.
Take it easy
Paul x"

Ya después del primer disco hubo un amago. Esperemos que ésta no sea la definitiva y Paul Quinn siga relacionado con la música de una manera u otra.
Se van habiendo hecho el disco del año y un auténtico clásico del pop.

Por nuestra parte no hemos podido hacer más.